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Make impactful contributions to climate projects.
Make carbon contributions to climate protection projects that align with your company's values.
What are contributions and how can they be a strategic investment for my company?
In today’s eco-conscious market, understanding and leveraging carbon contributions is more than an environmental responsibility—it's a strategic opportunity for your company. When you purchase carbon credits from a climate protection project, each credit compensates 1 tCO2e that your company has emitted. These contributions cover both the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions linked to your business operations. By investing in sustainable practices, renewable energy, or technologies like carbon capture, your company not only aids in the fight against climate change but also establishes itself as a leader in corporate responsibility.
Manage and monitor your contributions in one place.
Build a custom portfolio, monitor your impact, and swiftly download communication assets.
Create a strategy with us
We help you define KPIs for your carbon contribution strategy, set an internal price per tCO2 and decide on the areas of impact you aim for with your portfolio.
Choose projects from our diverse catalog
Our catalog holds globally certified projects from over 24 impact categories, giving you the freedom to choose projects that align with your values, your industry and the SDG goals you support.
Share your contributions
Download project data, images, videos and our official contributors label, and communication handbooks, to communicate accurately and credibly.
Project catalog
Quality and Quantity's catalog is filled with a wide range of thoroughly vetted climate projects spanning all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. We work closely with our partners to ensure the transparency and impact of each and every project.
Choose your area of impact.
When crafting a contribution strategy, we begin by defining the area in which you want to have the greatest impact.
Community impact
Participate in the creation of new jobs and ensure community access to sustainable energy technology.
Renewable energy
Your contribution to projects in this category supports the maintenance and expansion of renewable energy across the world.
Nature protection
Avoid deforestation and support the improvement of forest management, agricultural land management, and soil amendment.
Custom portfolio
We help you build a carbon portfolio that is tailored to your company's values.
Book a demo
Explore our other solutions
GHG Scope 1,2, and 3
Supply Chain
Reduction Strategy
ESG Performance
the platform
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